Kamis, Juli 11, 2013

Dengan Optimis Terus Jalan ke Depan

Hidup itu harus di jalani dengan optimis dan terus jalan ke depan, hadapi segala macam halangan dan rintangan dengan gagah berani. Kayak lagu berikut ini:

Blue Sky
 by: CN Blue
Looking for a place to live in,
There’s a long way to go, dreaming of a life.
When the night has seemed to be,
Just fear at the free, it’s intertwined.
Moment of the time is giving, how do we make it when we try.
All the words could say.
Looking at the sky,
Tells the story what you see.
Just I know.
All the people say in case,
‘Cause there s just the one blue.
We might see, maybe, same clouds at the same time.
Even if another day,
We are attached with the hope of who we are.
When the days give time for losing,
Nothing’s ever been so meant to be, all the wrong.
Here is just no strength to be, no streaming what you see, The destiny..?
Everyone to say, it made a way, carry on from day to day,
Finding our part to play.
Reacing for the sky,
In the distance how we’re there.
Done by hope.
Hold your heart then there will be,
‘Cause you’re in, your the story.
We can see something, hidden in the pages say,
We are the ones whose gotta be there.
Don’t let go, the hope is in us who we are.
What if we could tell it’s gonna last somehow, we wind up.
What if we could take out all the wasted time.
Every little thing that we do, all the ways we feel.
Close your eyesm just feel it coming,
It’s getting stronger, then you see.
Looking at the sky,
Tells the story what you see.
Just I know.
All the people say in case,
‘Cause there s just the one blue.
We might see, maybe, same clouds at the same time.
Even if another day,
We are attached with the hope of who we are.

Lirik lagu ini memiliki kalimat-kalimat yang membakar semangat pendengarnya untuk terus berusaha mewujudkan mimipi-mimpi yang pernah dibangun menjadi kenyataan. Hold your heart and keep moving there’s a long way to go, dreaming of a life. Mendengar lagu ini membuat saya pribadi on fire dalam mewujudkan mimpi-mimpi yang pernah dibangun. Dimanapun saya berada, baik di Bukittinggi, Bandung, kota-kota lainnya di Indonesia atau sekalipun di luar Indonesia. Langit siang hari akan tetap biru dan malam hari langit akan tetap gelap, tidak ada perbedaan dan saya tidak perlu khawatir karena masih di bumi Allah, maka akan selalu ada perlindungan-Nya.
“Jangan takut bermimpi, bangun mimpimu dan wujudkan !”

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